Tag: quote
Luna Rugova – Be more active on social media. Numbers are everything. You want to get more followers and appearance.
Quote by Bill Gates
Bill Gates, who’s net value is currently at 85.6 Billion mentioned,
“It’s fine to celebrate success but it is more important to heed the lessons of failure.” — Bill Gates
Try living behind a swamp Haha
Podcasting has allowed me to express myself better than in any other form
My favorite part of podcasting is running my mouth for an hour. The only time I dont like it is when Im off. Then that hour feels like a day and a half.
-Bill Burr-
Seriously, don’t quit
If you know you shouldn’t quit and it’s the right thing to do, then don’t quit. Keep going #dontquit #entrepreneur #podcasting
So lets start now! Venture your Adventure
I hear this often for my full time job as a Web Developer
It’s quite hard being an entrepreneur, but it’s the rewards that I’m looking too.
Quote from Sariah Howard
“Do whatever you need to do to get rid of the distractions so you can listen to what your heart has to say, and then do it”